131. lecke hallás utáni értés


A hallott szöveg alapján válaszd ki, hogy igaz vagy hamis az állítás! A végén kattints a zászlócskára, és megkapod százalékban is eredményed!

1 / 10

Mr Johnson did not have a wife.

2 / 10

Mr Johnson's was quite young.

3 / 10

Mr Johnson went to cheap hotels because they were usually clean.

4 / 10

Mr Johnson went to cheap hotels because he did not have much money.

5 / 10

His friend liked the Tower Hotel.

6 / 10

His friend did not like the Tower Hotel much.

7 / 10

The sheets on Mr Johnson's bed were not very clean.

8 / 10

The sheets on Mr Johnson's bed were clean.

9 / 10

His sheets were not dry.

10 / 10

His sheets were quite dry.

Your score is

Írd meg, hogy ment, a hozzászólás részbe, vagy ha kérdésed van, írd ide bátran!