Kedves Noémi!
Leírtam hogy szerintem hangzott volna a másik mondat: 1.When Jimmy was a boy, he didn’t like watches and clocks. 2. When he was eighteen old he begun to teach himself to mend watches. 3.Lot of his friens brought him broken watches and he tried to mend them for them. 4. One day his captain saw what he did, and became angry. 5.The captain would like that Jimy finished this kind of work. 6. Jimy said “Not, Sire, I can’t mend it. 7. Jimmy would like to know how many was the price of watch. 8.”Two pouns, Sire”- Jimmy answered. 9.Then Jimmy took a small box out of the cupboard. 10. Jimmy put ewerything back successfully into the watch.
Sikerült a tesztet elsőre megoldani 100 % – ban, de az utolsó két mondatot nem pontosan értettem, és csak az előzőek alapján tudtam helyesen kitalálni.
Kedves Noémi!
Leírtam hogy szerintem hangzott volna a másik mondat: 1.When Jimmy was a boy, he didn’t like watches and clocks. 2. When he was eighteen old he begun to teach himself to mend watches. 3.Lot of his friens brought him broken watches and he tried to mend them for them. 4. One day his captain saw what he did, and became angry. 5.The captain would like that Jimy finished this kind of work. 6. Jimy said “Not, Sire, I can’t mend it. 7. Jimmy would like to know how many was the price of watch. 8.”Two pouns, Sire”- Jimmy answered. 9.Then Jimmy took a small box out of the cupboard. 10. Jimmy put ewerything back successfully into the watch.
Hibátlan lett.előtte háromszor meghallgattam.
Sikerült a tesztet elsőre megoldani 100 % – ban, de az utolsó két mondatot nem pontosan értettem, és csak az előzőek alapján tudtam helyesen kitalálni.
Hibátlan lett a teszt elsőre, bár nem minden mondatot értettem meg teljes egészében, de a szöveg-környezetből ki tudtam választani a helyes választ.