Válaszd ki, melyik szó illik a mondatba.
1 / 10
I can't find my socks .............. .
I can't find my socks anywhere. Sehol nem találom a zoknim.
2 / 10
She'd like to drink ............ .
She'd like to drink something. Szeretne valamit inni.
3 / 10
How much does it cost? - ............ . It is free.
How much does it cost? - Nothing. It is free.
Mennyibe kerül? - Semmibe. Ingyen van.
4 / 10
All the restaurants are closed. There's ........... to eat.
All the restaurants are closed. There's nowhere to eat. Minden étterem zárva. Nincs hol enni.
5 / 10
............ is talking to your friend. Who is it?
Somebody is talking to your friend. Who is it? Valaki beszélget a barátoddal. Ki az?
6 / 10
Can ............. open the window, please?
Can someone open the window, please? Valaki kinyitná az ablakot?
7 / 10
........ can do that! It's easy.
Anyone can do that! It's easy. Bárki megtudja csinálni! Könnyű.
8 / 10
.............. enjoyed the film. It was terrible.
Nobody enjoyed the film. It was terrible. Senkinek nem tetszett a film. Borzalmas volt.
9 / 10
It wasn't funny. ......... laughed.
It wasn't funny. Nobody laughed. Nem volt vicces, senki nem nevetett.
10 / 10
I went to Paula's home, but there wasn't ................. there.
I went to Paula's home, but there wasn't anyone there. Elmentem Paulához, de senki nem volt ott.
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