165. lecke


Válaszd ki, hogy az állítás igaz vagy hamis!

1 / 10

Elizabeth had a rich father.

2 / 10

Elizabeth  had a rich son.

3 / 10

Nobody had asked Elizabeth to marry.

4 / 10

Elizabeth had not said yes to any of the men who wanted to marry her.

5 / 10

Elizabeth wanted to marry the handsomest of the young men who wanted to marry her.

6 / 10

Elizabeth liked men who smoked and drank a little.

7 / 10

Elizabeth did not like men who smoked or drank.

8 / 10

The handsomest man thought that no man was like the one that Elizabeth wanted to marry.

9 / 10

The man thought that Elizabeth wanted to buy a new TV set.

10 / 10

The man told Elizabeth that it was not a man she was looking for, it was a TV set.

Your score is

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