176. lecke


Válaszd ki a mondatba illőt!

1 / 10

200 years ago people ......... make their own clothes.

2 / 10

I ...... play the guitar, but I do now.

3 / 10

I ..... enjoy getting up early, but I do now.

4 / 10

I .... have a holiday every year, but I don't now.

5 / 10

When I was a teenager I ....... have short hair, but now my hair is long.

6 / 10

Jim doesn't have a girlfriend now, but he .......... .

7 / 10

John ..... eat vegetables, but now he eats them.

8 / 10

That building ........ be a cinema, but it is closed.

9 / 10

Jim ........ enjoy studying, but he does now.

10 / 10

They ........ live in London, now they live in Paris.

Your score is

Írj bátran ide, ha kérdésed van, de azt is szívesen veszem, ha leírod, hogy ment! Írd be neved (beceneved) és emailcímed (bátran, mert csak én látom, de így tudok neked válaszolni is), majd írd meg a hozzászólást!