179. lecke


A történet alapján válaszd ki a megértésed szerint a megfelelő választ.

1 / 10

Harland Sanders had a very happy childhood.

2 / 10

His mother went to work, so Harland had to cook at home.

3 / 10

Harland had two brothers and a sister.

4 / 10

He worked on a farm and on a service station, too.

5 / 10

Harland developed his chicken recipe in 1930.

6 / 10

A lot of people came to taste his meals.

7 / 10

The first KFC opened in 1952.

8 / 10

Sanders didn't want to sell his company.

9 / 10

His sold his company to PepsiCo.

10 / 10

His recipe is still a secret.

Your score is

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