Válaszd ki azt a mondatrészt, ami a főmondathoz illik.
1 / 10
He's wearing a jacket, so .......... .
2 / 10
She's smiling a lot, so .............. .
3 / 10
The car is in front of the house, so...
4 / 10
She's wearing sunglasses, so ......... .
5 / 10
James is holding an umbrella, so ........... .
6 / 10
The kitchen smells delicious, so ............ .
7 / 10
He's holding a camera, so ......... .
8 / 10
They're carrying picnic baskets, so ........ .
9 / 10
The oven is on and I smell cookies baking, so ......... .
10 / 10
They're carrying luggage, so .......... .
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