189. lecke


Döntsd el, helyes, vagy helytelen a mondat!

1 / 11

Bob told Henry: 'Eat some cake.'

2 / 11

Charlie always tells lies.

3 / 11

James told me to go away.

4 / 11

Jane told me that she was thirsty.

5 / 11

They said that they liked the film very much.

6 / 11

Mary told that he didn't like that cake.

7 / 11

Joe told me that he was living in London.

8 / 11

Mary told me, "I was born in 2001."

9 / 11

Bob said to Peter: "Let's go home."

10 / 11

Janet said me that she wanted to go to the cinema.

11 / 11

Tony told to me that he wanted to go on holiday.

Your score is

Írj bátran ide, ha kérdésed van, de azt is szívesen veszem, ha leírod, hogy ment! Írd be neved (beceneved) és emailcímed (bátran, mert csak én látom, de így tudok neked válaszolni is), majd írd meg a hozzászólást!