198. lecke

What work did the farmer need to do before he went to prison?
He needed to dig the field to plant potatoes.

Could the farmer’s wife dig the field by herself?
No, she wasn’t strong enough to do the digging.

What did the farmer write in his letter to his wife?
He told her not to dig the potato field because he hid money and a gun there.

Who came to the farm two days after the farmer’s letter?
Some policemen came to the farm.

What did the policemen do in the potato field?
They dug up the whole field.

What did the wife ask the farmer in her letter?
She asked, “What shall I do now?” after the policemen dug the field.

What did the farmer tell his wife to do after the field was dug?
He told her to plant the potatoes.

Why did the farmer write about hiding money and a gun?
He wrote it to trick the policemen into digging the field for him.

What did the wife think about the letters being read?
She thought someone in the prison was reading the farmer’s letters.