208. lecke

Hi, my name’s Hannah. I come from a family that train horses and we have a champion horse called Griffen. He’s black with an incredibly shiny coat. He was born two years ago in December and we’re taking him to compete in his first international show in March next year, just after my fifteenth birthday. The whole family is going. Me, my sister and our parents.

We live in Poland and we’re going to drive through Germany and the Netherlands to the show in England, so it’ll be a long journey for us. The event will last for 3 days and we’ll be staying with friends who also have horses.

My sister wanted to ride Griffen in front of the judges, but she’s too young. The rules are that the person riding the horse has to be over eighteen so my father will do it.

Griffen has been to other shows in several European countries. He’s got dozens of cups. But a couple of weeks ago he’s got some money as a price which was a change. It suited us because it is expensive taking part in horse shows.

Horses have to learn what to do in front of the judges: how to walk and jump. I watched my parents working with Griffen and my dream is to be a trainer too, getting horses ready for shows. My parents want me to study to be a doctor but I’m not sure about that.

When Griffen comes first in a competition he is as pleased as we are. Lots of people give their horses sweets when they win, but we give Griffen apples. I also think he likes to be the center of attention.

Írj bátran ide, ha kérdésed van, de azt is szívesen veszem, ha leírod, hogy ment! Írd be neved (beceneved) és emailcímed (bátran, mert csak én látom, de így tudok neked válaszolni is), majd írd meg a hozzászólást!