39. lecke


Válaszd ki, melyik elöljárószó illik a mondatba!

1. My father goes to his office .......... his car.

2. Mary is going to work ........... her husband.

3. His grandmother goes to the supermarket .......... bus.

4. My brother goes to his friend's home ............. my father's car.

5. Philip plays ......... his children in the garden.

6. The children go to the park ....... bike.

7. Peter goes to the park ....... his friends.

8. On Monday I go to my office ......... Henry's car.

9. The students go to school ...... bus.

10. We go to the restaurant ........... car or ......... bus.

Your score is

Írj bátran ide, ha kérdésed van, de azt is szívesen veszem, ha leírod, hogy ment! Írd be neved (beceneved) és emailcímed (bátran, mert csak én látom, de így tudok neked válaszolni is), majd írd meg a hozzászólást!