78. lecke záróteszt



1 / 10

I bought a nice umbrella ......... I like very much.

2 / 10

I don’t like fruit and I don’t like vegetables ......

3 / 10

One day George went to town ............... buy new clothes.

4 / 10

Írd le a hiányzó elöljárószót!

You didn't pay ........ the coat.

5 / 10

'Where were you?'

'I was at my friends',' ......... the husband.

6 / 10

Írd be a hiányzó szót!

First he tried on a ............. of trousers.

7 / 10

He didn't like the trousers, so he gave ........... back to the shopkeeper.

8 / 10

She wanted a book in exchange ............. my book.

9 / 10

My twin sister and I have got the ........ nose.

10 / 10

I ......... him a lot of money yesterday.

Your score is

A tesztet időre is elvégezheted, bőven hagytam időt, de ha ennyi nem elég, akkor az biztos mutatója, hogy még gyúrnod kell a szavakra!




1 / 10

My twin sister and I have got the ........ nose.

2 / 10

'Where were you?'

'I was at my friends',' ......... the husband.

3 / 10

He didn't like the trousers, so he gave ........... back to the shopkeeper.

4 / 10

I ......... him a lot of money yesterday.

5 / 10

One day George went to town ............... buy new clothes.

6 / 10

I bought a nice umbrella ......... I like very much.

7 / 10

Írd be a hiányzó szót!

First he tried on a ............. of trousers.

8 / 10

I don’t like fruit and I don’t like vegetables ......

9 / 10

She wanted a book in exchange ............. my book.

10 / 10

Írd le a hiányzó elöljárószót!

You didn't pay ........ the coat.

Your score is

Írj bátran ide, ha kérdésed van, de azt is szívesen veszem, ha leírod, hogy ment! Írd be neved (beceneved) és emailcímed (bátran, mert csak én látom, de így tudok neked válaszolni is), majd írd meg a hozzászólást!