Ha háromszor meghallgattad a szöveget, oldd meg ezt a tesztet!
1 / 10
1.Mr Johnson ma autóval megy az állomásra.
Mr Johnson is driving his car. He's going to the station.
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2. Az autója a szomszéd garázsában parkolt.
The car was in the garage, now it's in the street. The car was in front of the house, now it's near the station.
3 / 10
3. Tegnap Mr Johnson Londonban volt, ma Brightonba utazik.
Yesterday Mr Johnson was in London, today he's going to London again.
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4. Otthonától egészen az állomásig vezet.
He's going from his house to the station by car.
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5. Mr Johnson az autójában beszélget a barátjával.
Mr Johnson is speaking to a man in the street.
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6. Mr Mason kalapot és kabátot is visel.
Mr Mason has a hat and a coat, he doesn’t have a bag.
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7. Mr Masonnek is van autója, de ritkán használja.
Mr Mason doesn’t have a car, he's walking to the station.
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8. Mr Mason alacsony és magas.
Mr Mason is short and fat.
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9. Mr Johnson magas és vékony.
10 / 10
10. Tegnap a két barát együtt kávézott.
Yesterday Mr Mason was in Mr Johnson’s house. He was at Mr Johnson’s. He had a cup of tea there.
Your score is
80, 100%
80, 100%