Nyelvtani készséget mérő teszt – A2 szint

Ha meg akarod tudni, megfelelsz-e az A2 szintnek és mehetsz-e a B1 szintre, bizony sokféle tesztet ki kell töltened, sokféle feladatot meg kell oldanod, ahhoz, hogy stabilan azt lehessen mondani, igen, stabil A2 tudásod van. Ennek a tesztnek a tökéletes kitöltése nem azt jelenti, hogy igen, kipipálhatod ezt a szintet, de valamilyen képet azért ad Neked. Viszont azt javaslom, hogy végezd el majd a többi szintfelmérő tesztet is, melyeket folyamatosan teszünk fel az oldalra!

Ez a teszt 50 feladatból áll, és az A2 követelményeinél nem kér többet. Ha nem tökéletes a teszted, akkor még gyakorolnod kell a mondatszerkesztést, hiszen bizonytalanságot mutat. Ha gondolkozol, bizonytalan vagy a válasznál – bár helyesen tippelsz – , akkor az máris hamis eredményt mutat, hiszen minden bizonytalanság nem tudásból ered:)

A2 nyelvtani teszt 50 kérdés

1 / 50

I really want a penfriend ......... another country.

2 / 50

George: ".......... at the weekend?"
Mary: "Usually 8.00 but sometimes later."

3 / 50

We can travel by car. My father is going to ..... me his car.

4 / 50

All she wanted was ........ moments on her own.

5 / 50

How was your spring holiday in Italy?

6 / 50

Is there anything good on TV tonight?

7 / 50

Can you tell me if the train stops in Canrow?

8 / 50

Susan ........ her brother in the USA this year but the plane ticket is very expensive.

9 / 50

How would you like to pay?

10 / 50

I'm ........... staying in this hotel.

11 / 50

When ...........?

12 / 50

Melyik válasz helyes erre a kérdésre:
Shall we go to the shops now?

13 / 50

John: "........ to arrive here?"
Helen: "Some minutes. There was not a lot of traffic."

14 / 50

Smoking is  a ........... habit.

15 / 50

If you like music, .......... a concert tonight.

16 / 50

That's the woman ......... I was smiling at during the presentation.

17 / 50

Man: "..... go? I wanted to invite you for a cup of coffee."
Woman: "I'm so sorry, but I have a meeting in the office."

18 / 50

Can you come into my office?

19 / 50

You .......... which food you want to eat at the weekend. You can tell me tomorrow.

20 / 50

I want to sell my ............. bike.

21 / 50

The teacher will answer your questions when the lesson ........ .

22 / 50

Jilly: "........... to work?"
James: "By car. It takes ten minutes and I love driving."

23 / 50

James: “Did you get anything yesterday?”
Bob: “Yes, I ……… the book I wanted.”

24 / 50

The children in the back couldn’t hear Mr Harris so they told him to ........ .

25 / 50

While I .......... for the shop to open, I saw a woman by the window.

26 / 50

Tom: “What do you think of the Clarks boots after all these years?”
Helen: “Well, they really .............., these boots didn’t exist when I was a girl!''

27 / 50

I wanted to eat pizza but now I've changed my ........ and I want to eat spaghetti.

28 / 50

Can I make an appointment with the dentist?

29 / 50

Where ............ after you eat your lunch?

30 / 50

I know you have a dog. Who looked .............. it while you were on holiday?

31 / 50

What a ........... book! I'll start another one.

32 / 50

There's always something, ....... ?

33 / 50

What was the food like?

34 / 50

......... my homework. I can watch TV now.

35 / 50

My bike's got a .......... tyre, so I'm walking to school this week.

36 / 50

Why didn't Henry come for this dinner?

37 / 50

She ................ to her parents.

38 / 50

James was so ........... that he couldn't stand up straight in the room.

39 / 50

Helen: "We still haven't decided how we're going to get to Bristol."
John: ".......... go by car?"

40 / 50

........ you knew at the party last Saturday?

41 / 50

My car is really too old, so I have decided to buy ........... .

42 / 50

I buy a computer because I need ......... .

43 / 50

............ tomorrow morning.

44 / 50

Jim: "............ a bath when I called?"
Joanne: "No, I was in the garden."

45 / 50

George: "......... when mother went into your room?"
Dave: "I was just watching TV."

46 / 50

I have a day off tomorrow. ......... visiting Jack and Susan in Milan?

47 / 50

I'm going to work ............ to make some extra money.

48 / 50

Can I take your order?

49 / 50

Jane: "............at the cinema last Sunday?"
Holly: "Thousands"

50 / 50

Did you use my computer? I told you not to!

Your score is

Teljes Online Angol Tanfolyami Programom A0 szintről B2 szintre visz, ahol több mint 3000 szót gyakorolhatsz be. A program lépéseit úgy állítottam össze, hogy szépen végiglépdelj rajta, és elérd a haladó szintet, és a mindennapi élet használható elemeit illesztettem be. Helyes mondatszerkesztés, beszédgyakorlatok, hallás utáni tanulás, hogy az angol kiejtést is megértsd.

Ha még bizalmatlan vagy, esetleg nem akarsz online tanfolyamon részt venni, akkor tekintsd meg tankönyveim.