A B1 szint (pre-intermediate – küszöbszint) egy igen jó angoltudásnak számít már, erről részletesen ide kattintva tudsz olvasni. El tudod dönteni, neked megvan-e ez a szint, vagy szeretnéd ezt meglépni.

Ha ezen a szinten vagy, (azaz stabil és magabiztos vagy ezen a szinten), akkor innen már nem kell sokat tanulnod, hogy meglegyen a B2. Online angol tanfolyamommal a nulláról eljuthatsz a B1 szinten túlra, egészen a B2 szintig, amit mi csak középfoknak hívunk.

Egyetlen teszttel ezt nehéz eldönteni biztosan, de azért hoztam egy Olvasott szöveg értését tesztelő feladatot, és majd megmondod, milyen lett.

Ha 80% feletti az eredményed, akkor átmentél, tehát ha 27 pontot vagy többet szereztél, GRATULÁLOK, jó vagy!


A teszt összesen 34 feladatból áll, és az olvasott szöveg értésed ellenőrzi.
Minden feladatnál azonnal látod, hogy helyesen vagy helytelenül válaszoltál-e.

Végezd el, majd kattints a zászlócskára, és nézd meg, átmentél-e!

Figyelem: ennek a tesznek az elvégzése nem jelenti feltétlen, hogy B1 szintet tökéletesen tudod, hiszen ezt egyetlen teszt nem tudja megmondani. Blogomban készítettem erről részletes leírást, fentebb be is linkeltem, olvasd el, szerintem minden józan ésszel gondolkozó ember ezt fel tudja mérni, hogy képes-e a leírtakat művelni, vagy sem:)

1 / 34

Bob's father ......... him a new computer for Christmas.

2 / 34

He ........... Bob how to use it.

3 / 34

Andy came to Bob's house and they did their biology .......... together.

4 / 34

They were happy because they found some information about tigers .............. the internet.

5 / 34

Afterwards, they ........... playing a new computer game together.

6 / 34

Where do you come from?

7 / 34

Who's that man with the yellow hat?

8 / 34

Where's John gone?

9 / 34

I hate playing the piano.

10 / 34

How long did the journey take?

11 / 34

The room costs 45 dollars a night.

12 / 34

James beszélget az autószerelővel! Válaszd ki az egyetlen helyes mondatot a sok közül!
Szerelő: Good morning. How can I help you?

James: ..........

13 / 34

Szerelő: Certainly. What's the problem?

James: ...........

14 / 34

Szerelő: How long have you had the car?

James: ...... .

15 / 34

Szerelő: There may be something wrong with the engine.

James: ... .

16 / 34

Szerelő: I'm afraid we have a lot of work at the moment. I can't do it until Friday.

James: ....... .

17 / 34

Szerelő: Well, I suppose I can do it on Wednesday.

James: ......

Szerelő: Bring it in at 7.30 in the morning.

18 / 34

A következő nyolc feladat a szövegértésed ellenőrzi. Olvasd el a cikket, majd döntsd el, hogy igazak vagy hamisak az állítások! Ha nincs elég információd, és ezért se nem igaz, se nem hamis, akkor válaszd a "nincs elég adat" lehetőséget!
Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

a) Howard is French.

19 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

b) The Palace has been open for less than a year.

20 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

c) Lots of people in France know about Howard.

21 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

d) Howard's parents took him out to restaurants.

22 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

e) Howard has always spent a lot of money on clothes.

23 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

f) Howard has written books about French cooking.

24 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

g) It costs a lot of money to eat in Howard's restaurant.

25 / 34

Bray is a beautiful village about fifty kilometres west of London. A young Englishman named Howard Bonnier opened a restaurant called The Palace there about three and a half months ago. Not many people in Britain know Mr Bonnier's name yet, but he's already quite famous in France. This is because he has written in French magazines about almost all the best restaurants in that country. He's only 29 years old.
When Howard was a teenager, he often went to restaurants with his mother and father. He liked doing this so much that he decided not to buy lots of clothes and CDs. Instead, he used his money to visit France and eat in good restaurants. He also bought a lot of French and English cookbooks - he says he has more than two hundred and fifty!
So why did he decide to open a restaurant? Simply because he loves cooking. Has it been an easy thing to do? He says it's been expensive to start your own restaurant and it's much more difficult to cook for fifty people than to cook for your family, but he's sure he's done the right thing.

h) Howard says cooking for a lot of people is easy.

26 / 34

A következő kilenc feladat is egy összefüggő szöveg része, de mondatonként jelenik meg.

a) Thousands of people in Britain ............. a new hobby - line dancing.

27 / 34

b) In almost .....  town, you will find clubs and classes for this new activity.

28 / 34

c) 'Line dancing is easy to learn. If you have two feet and can walk, then you can do it!' Hannah Black, a teacher, ....... .

29 / 34

d) 'You don't need a partner because you dance ......... groups.'

30 / 34

e) 'It's the ..... way to make new friends.'

31 / 34

31. f) In my classes, ..... are young and old people.'

32 / 34

g) 'The boys like it because they can make a lot of noise with their feet ........ the dances!'

33 / 34

h) When ...... line dancing begin?

34 / 34

i) Most people think it started about fifteen years ........... when American country music became famous in Britain.

Your score is

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