Napi teszt 54



Today is Tuesday. ................. was Sunday.

Nobody ....... thirsty.

Our new neighbours really annoy me. They ........... really loud music.

What is John Carlson?

It's cold in here. What about a fire?

Put down that gun ........ once.

Last week I .............. a party.

Two men arrived .............. to paint the walls in my flat.

Jane ....... the officer that she had not driven too fast.

Válaszd ki a sorba nem illő szót!

Jane had to walk along a path across the lawn and past a ............ full of gardening equipment.

............. coffee is on the table?

They are .............. .

Could you do me a favour? I need a ............ home tomorrow night because my car is being repaired.

Henry was told to follow ........ .

She borrowed the book for her boyfriend, but then decided to read it ............. .

When I was a child, we ............. on holiday every year to Italy.

The policeman told me that I ............ more careful in the future.

Melyik válasz illik erre a kérésre: Regular fries, please.

Your mother is taking ........... her coat.

Do you think you have a healthy diet?

John's great - he's one of the most ............ people I know.

Henry had ...... his keys in his other coat.

Look! Janet is coming.

Helen went ......... and began to sort out all her belongings.

Your score is

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