16. lecke záró div4 1. This is an ..... house. old black white None 2. ......... women are not young. That These This None 3. The woman's in a counter. The woman's in front a counter. The woman's in front of a counter. None 4. Melyik mondat helytelen? That cat's ugly. Those cupboards are here. These sinks aren't old. None 5. Egészítsd ki a mondatot: This cat's ........... the chair. in front in in front of None 6. Melyik fordítás a helyes erre: Ezek a nők szépek. These women are nice. These are nice women. Those women are nice. None 7. Melyik helyes? That's a dog. This's a dog. These're dog. None 8. Hogyan fordítanád: Ezek fekete polcok. These are black shelves. These blacks are shelves. These black shelves. None 9. The man's in front of the bathroom. The man's in the bathroom. The man's the front of the bathroom. None 10. .................. are men there. That Those These None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:00:33+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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