19lecke_zaro 1. He's near the mirror. She's in front of the mirror. He's on the sink. None 2. Near the shelf. On the table. On a chair. None 3. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. Yes, they are. None 4. In bed. Near the bed. Next to the bed. None 5. He's in front of the computer. They're in front of the computer. On the table. None 6. On the table. Near the table. Next to the table. None 7. She's not happy. He's near the man. She's in front of the man. None 8. It's in the wall. It's next to the wall. It's on the wall. None 9. It's on the table. They're near the man. They're on the wall. None 10. Next to the car. On the car. In the car. None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:00:33+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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