21. lecke szövegértés 1. The kitchen is ........ . dirty open near None 2. There are dirty plates ......... the counter. near next to on None 3. The cat is near the ........ . chicken kitchen vegetables None 4. The fish is fresh. igaz hamis None 5. The cat is ....... . thirsty green hungry None 6. The fridge is open. igaz hamis None 7. There is a basket ............. the kitchen cupboards. front of in front of in front None 8. The knife is dirty. igaz hamis None 9. Are there cups in the kitchen? Yes, there are. No, there aren't. None 10. Ez már a második összefüggő szövegünk. Elégedett vagy az eredményeddel? igen nem None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:01:12+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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