A1Comparatives_superlatives 1. That is ............. result John has received in mathematics. the worst baddest the worse None 2. Melyik mondat HELYTELEN? My sister is smarter than me. Karen is taller than Holly. This book is boringer than that one. None 3. The traffic was ............. yesterday because of an accident. slower mindkettő helyes more slow None 4. There were ............. people at the party than expected. more many most None 5. My sister is ............ than me. more tall taller tallest None 6. Which is ........... of the two? more difficult most difficult0 mindkettő helyes None 7. Today is ........... day of the year. the most good the best a better None 8. This is the ....... mountain I have ever seen. most high higher highest None 9. My skin is much ......... after three weeks in Hawaii. the darkest darker more dark None 10. Jack is the ........... boy that I know. lazier laziest most lazy None 11. Mi a GREAT szó középfoka? greater more great greatier None 12. London isn't ................ Rome. so old as older as old as None 13. Do you think the weather is going to be ........... on Sunday? warm as warmer warmest None 14. This house is ............... than that one. the most beautiful more beautiful the more beautiful None 15. My grandmother has ............ cat you have ever seen! the most fat the more fatter the fattest None 16. It was ............. test she has ever done. mindkettő helyes the hardest the most hard None 17. The cheetah is the .......... land animal in the world. fast faster fastest None 18. I don't go to bed ......... ten thirty. later than so late as latest then None 19. After taking exercise, Peter generally feels much ....... . best better better than None 20. It's better ............. I thought. as like than then None 21. Frank is ....... than Helen. oldest as old as older None 22. Mary always has a smile on her face, she is ........... person I know. the happier the happiest the most happy None 23. Melyik melléknév fokozása HELYTELEN? happy - happier big - bigger thin - thiner None 24. This task isn't as ................ as I thought. easier easier than easiest easy None 25. His wife is more intellingent ............. him. as from then than None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:00:52+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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