A1goingto 1. Melyik helyes? Where are you going to study? Where you are going to study? Where are you going study? None 2. I ...... going to give Jill a present. am will are None 3. Melyik mondat HELYTELEN? Are you going to go to the cinema? You are not going watching at the cinema. Are you going home? None 4. He ........ going to buy a car. would will is None 5. I ........... cook a meal. am going to 'm going will going to None 6. I ............ that watch - it is too expensive. 'm not going to buy 'm going to ask 'm going not to buy None 7. Melyik mondat HELYES? Is Jack going to do the shopping tomorrow? Jack's going doing the shopping tomorrow. Is Jack going to shopping tomorrow? None 8. Melyik HELYTELEN? Are we going to go to bed? They're going to paint the house. Isn't he not going to buy that house? None 9. Melyik helyes? Where you will going to stay? What time are you arrive? Which dress are you going to wear? None 10. Melyik a helyes válasz erre a kérdésre:Are you going to meet Mary? Yes, we are. Yes, she is. Yes, I'm. None 11. Melyik mondat HELYTELEN? They are going to watch TV tonight. Is he going to eat that cake? You are not going playing handball. None 12. The weather forecast says that .......... going to be a nice day tomorrow. he is it is it was None 13. Are you ............. Spanish before your holiday? learn going to learn going to None 14. Melyik mondat NEM helyes? Helen's not going to visit her mother. They're not going sell their house. We're going to cook spaghetti. None 15. Melyik válasz helyes erre a kérdésre: Are Bill's parents going to visit us on their holiday? No, Bill isn't. Yes, they are. Yes, he is. None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:00:52+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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