A2 grammar test 1. George: ".......... at the weekend?"Mary: "Usually 8.00 but sometimes later." Where do you get up What time do you have breakfast Where do you travel What time do you go None 2. All she wanted was ........ moments on her own. much a lot a few a little None 3. I'm going to work ............ to make some extra money. factory shift overtime overrate None 4. She ................ to her parents. don't often writes doesn't often write doesn't often writes not often writes None 5. That's the woman ......... I was smiling at during the presentation. who which that he that she None 6. What was the food like? Yes, I like it. Yes, I liked it. Expensive, but delicious. I ate it in an hour. None 7. Tom: “What do you think of the Clarks boots after all these years?” Helen: “Well, they really .............., these boots didn’t exist when I was a girl!'' changes had been changing have changed changing None 8. How was your spring holiday in Italy? Springs in Italy are warm. A bit disappointing. I want to go there. Yes, it was in Italy. None 9. I buy a computer because I need ......... . that ones it one None 10. James: “Did you get anything yesterday?” Bob: “Yes, I ……… the book I wanted.” was buying bought am buying have bought None 11. ........ you knew at the party last Saturday? Have you seen Were you seeing Did you see anyone Had you seen None 12. I have a day off tomorrow. ......... visiting Jack and Susan in Milan? How about Shall you Shall we Let's None 13. Jane: "............at the cinema last Sunday?"Holly: "Thousands" How many people were there Are there people Were there many people How much people was there None 14. George: "......... when mother went into your room?"Dave: "I was just watching TV." What have you done What were you doing Who did you ask What have you been doing None 15. The children in the back couldn’t hear Mr Harris so they told him to ........ . back up turn up speak up go back None 16. I want to sell my ............. bike. three-year-old three years old three year olds None 17. I wanted to eat pizza but now I've changed my ........ and I want to eat spaghetti. mind head brain thought None 18. Jim: "............ a bath when I called?"Joanne: "No, I was in the garden." Were you having Did you had Do you have Are you having None 19. Why didn't Henry come for this dinner? Would it be better if he could come? Henry goes home late. I'm afraid he's working. Yes, when he doesn't come, it is great. None 20. I really want a penfriend ......... another country. off of from for None 21. What a ........... book! I'll start another one. interesting boring bored annoy None 22. The teacher will answer your questions when the lesson ........ . finishes will finish finished finish None 23. Melyik válasz helyes erre a kérdésre:Shall we go to the shops now? I'm too tired. Thank you very much. They're very good. Not at all. None 24. When ...........? did the TV invent was the TV invented was invented the TV is the TV invented None 25. John: "........ to arrive here?"Helen: "Some minutes. There was not a lot of traffic." How much time did take for you How long did it take you What time it took How long did you take None 26. Can you come into my office? Can you wait a moment? I came there yesterday. I couldn't wait in your office. Yes, it is open. None 27. Is there anything good on TV tonight? I haven't checked. The TV is in the living-room. We can go there. There's a good film in the cinema. None 28. If you like music, .......... a concert tonight. they're there's it's there are None 29. Helen: "We still haven't decided how we're going to get to Bristol."John: ".......... go by car?" Why don't we Can we have to How about Let None 30. Did you use my computer? I told you not to! No, I won't use it. I'm sorry, I really told. Yes, I need a computer, thanks. I'm sorry, I just checked my emails. None 31. ......... my homework. I can watch TV now. I've done I did I didn't do None 32. Can I make an appointment with the dentist? What time are you here? Would you be there? Would this Friday at five be OK? Where would you like to go? None 33. I know you have a dog. Who looked .............. it while you were on holiday? with on after for None 34. My car is really too old, so I have decided to buy ........... . other one the other one another one one None 35. Susan ........ her brother in the USA this year but the plane ticket is very expensive. likes visiting would like visiting likes to visit would like to visit None 36. Can I take your order? I could take your order if you want. No, nothing order for you. I'll have the roasted chicken with chips, please. I'd like my order in my room. None 37. Can you tell me if the train stops in Canrow? Canrow is a little town. It passes through London. Many people from Canrow travel from London. It passes through but I'm afraid it doesn't stop. None 38. We can travel by car. My father is going to ..... me his car. get send borrow lend None 39. I'm ........... staying in this hotel. homesick fed up with enough with tired None 40. ............ tomorrow morning. I'd like going swimming I like to go to swim I like going swimming I'd like to go swimming None 41. Jilly: "........... to work?"James: "By car. It takes ten minutes and I love driving." How do you arrive Does he drive How do you get How long do you get None 42. Man: "..... go? I wanted to invite you for a cup of coffee."Woman: "I'm so sorry, but I have a meeting in the office." Can you Might you Do you have to Shall you None 43. There's always something, ....... ? doesn't it is there isn't there isn't it None 44. You .......... which food you want to eat at the weekend. You can tell me tomorrow. mustn't decide must decide don't have got to decide needn't decide None 45. How would you like to pay? As much as you want. Can I pay for it now? Would a credit card be all right? Yes, I'd like. None 46. Where ............ after you eat your lunch? will you to go did you go have you gone are you going None 47. My bike's got a .......... tyre, so I'm walking to school this week. flat nice blank fleet None 48. While I .......... for the shop to open, I saw a woman by the window. wait was waited was waiting am waiting None 49. James was so ........... that he couldn't stand up straight in the room. hot boring tall None 50. Smoking is a ........... habit. shocked disgusting disgusted shocking None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:00:53+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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