Napi teszt 8 MELYIK A HELYES A HÁROM KÖZÜL? 1. The film I was invited to turned out to be one I ... . had already seen have already seen was seeing None 2. I'd rather ....... quiet about this. you kept you to keep you keep None 3. ........ time in my life was when I got married. important the most important the more important None 4. I can't tell you how ashamed I am ... my son's behaviour. of to for None 5. I have .... after arguing all morning. given in given been giving None 6. When I .... you, I'll know what to do. will examine was examining have examined None 7. Everything ...... I do makes him laugh. that whatever what None 8. .... you get old, you get weaker. As Either Why None 9. She confessed everything, ... made me a bit angry. that which - None 10. She didn't like ...... criticised. be having being None Time's up 2020-08-14T13:01:25+02:00Noémi által| Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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